What are the most important things to remember when one goes on a diet? Here are some points to remember;

1. Stick to the program! If you've already decided what program to follow make sure you strictly follow it. Cheating is not an option. A lot of us are often tempted to skip a few days or eat a little of this junk food and that dessert. Obviously, if you are not consistent, your diet program will not take into effect.

2. Pick what you eat. Try to skip sodas, juice and other drinks that rich in carbohydrates instead drink water. Just think, by skipping that can of soda for lunch, you have saved yourself form taking in 150 calories. Instead of drinking these one can switch to non-sugar drinks or low fattening milk.

3. Eat-in moderation. Regardless of what program, just make sure you eat the right amount of food at the right time. For instance, eating excessive dessert and not eating the main course is not healthy for you. You can opt to eat 3 full meals a day and skip the "in-between" meals. If you really can skip the "in-between meals, just switch to healthy snacks like carrots, salad, or a piece of fruit.

4. Do not starve yourself. This is a common mistake; by not eating you will feel a sudden desire to eat more than you want. One option is to eat 5 small meals a day. This way you are telling your system that you eat this certain amount of food at a certain time.

5. Eat slowly. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to figure out how much food is needed for the body.

6. Exercise! Make sure your diet program doesn't just include less intake of carbs or food. Any diet program will be more effective when mixed with exercise! There is a basic equation, to burn your calories you have to build muscles. Based on research women who followed a weight loss diet and did weight training exercises lost 44% more fat than the women who did only weight loss diet.

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There are different exercises you could do. The cardio exercise which is found very effective in burning calories and losing weight. Some cardio exercises are walking, running, aerobics, swimming, bicycling, jumping ropes, sprinting rowing, rock climbing and so more. By just walking alone, a 150-pound person walking for 30 minutes at a moderate, 2.5 mile per hour pace burns 107 calories and if he is walking for 60 minutes instead of 30 minutes will burn 160 calories. Running is a great cardio exercise for burning calories. This is actually the trend now. Why? Look at a 145-pound person, he can easily burn 300 calories by running for 30 minutes. As for sprinting not only burns amounts of calories, it also keeps your metabolism flying for days after. Sprinting combined with running/jogging can bring amazing results.

With all these in mind, you will surely reach your ideal weight in no time! Happy dieting!